Thursday, January 2, 2014

Covered with a cloudy curtain

He spread a cloud for a covering (curtain). Psalm 105:39

It has been a year since I started this study on fabric, garments, cloth, veils, and other coverings in scripture. I find it amazing that in all of these posts, we have only scratched the surface of these references.
It really is awe-inspiring that God gives us consistent messages in the Bible. As I have gone through the various books and passages, I could do studies on all kinds of topics. Food is one that I see all sorts of references to throughout. Feet was a short study. You could study love, peace, war, bread, enemies, babies, life, spirits, or all kinds of things. I would encourage you to take any topic that you love, or things that weigh on your hearts or minds, and dig in. Scan books for words that pertain to that topic. With all the reference materials online, you can search topics, words, or passages. I google various parts of verses that I can't remember the location of to find them online.
And, like this topic, there will be both sides of the coin, or curtain, in this reference in Psalms. Here we learn of the cloud that lead the Israelites and the fire that lead them by night. I always thought of a little cloud, bright and shiny, that went ahead of them. I guess I was wrong. This cloud covered over them. We tend to think about being under a cloud being a bad thing, but they were wandering in the desert, and this cloud will not only lead them, but protect them from the harsh sun, the glaring rays of heat. Like a curtain on a window keeps out the view of what is going on inside, the enemies could not get in and see what was going on. There was God's protection with them wherever they went. The curtain would later separate them from God, and to an extent it did. It was not a part of them, but hung over them. But He was the curtain, the cloud that was with them. They had not known Him for a few hundred years, to their shame, and He had to show them who He was both day and night in different forms, and that He was indeed on their side. But He was still there. He was their God, but He wasn't just any god that they had known in Egypt. He was their protection, even during their captivity. He preserved them as a people. And He could also destroy them when they chose to argue with Him. He is both merciful and holy, life and death, commanding and tender-hearted. The subject of coverings and fabrics has been encouraging and comforting, rebuking and scolding. There was talk of life and death, beauty and rot, cleansing and filth. It has been a ride that I did not expect, and will continue.
I hope you continue to go through this study with me, but even more so that you do your own on whatever topic God puts on your heart.
Then start your own blog and share it with me.
I did not start blogging these because I am some sort of super student of the Word. I am NOTHING special. I just saw the things God was showing me and couldn't keep them to myself. And the following is small, and that's fine. If nothing else, it proves that God is talking to me about these things, and not the rest of the world, and that's ok. I need this. I need a reason and direction to do more than just read the Word, but to reflect on it, to meditate, to find more scriptures on these topics. I can't seem to avoid finding more passages on cloth and covering. And may the journey continue until the references run out and I have to change topics.

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