Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Divided we fall Psalm 22

They divide my garments among them, and for my clothing they cast lots. Psalm 22:18

If you say, “You covered this verse before!,” you are right. It is quoted in the New Testament among the verses of the crucifixion. But Psalm 22 gives us the back story, more insight into the thoughts and feelings of Jesus while on the cross. The dividing of the garments was the fulfillment of this passage of scripture, one more proof that Jesus was the Messiah long foretold. How David saw this...what kind of vision, what kind of experience lead him to write this, we don't know. But he nailed it, literally.

The words of Christ on the cross start this Psalm. From the beginning we are caught up in the agony, despair, and torture of the One crying out. If you can envision Jesus on the cross, whipped into a pulpy mess, crown of thorns tearing at his face, people jeering and taunting while others look on in despair, it is hard not to weep with Him. This whole passage, when read parallel to the gospels points out even to their taunts of if He is the Son of God, why doesn't God bring Him down and save Him. They didn't realize that He was saving THEM, not needing saving Himself.

By verse 15, He is dying, with more accounts to follow of actions taken at His feet, one of which was the dividing of the only things He could call His own, His clothes. He was delivered from the sword, as it was only used on Him after He died. Even though God had turned His face away, God still heard the cries, which were not cries of pain and agony, but cries to forgive those who were torturing Him. Cries to be taken back into God's eternal favor.

And then vs. 25! The eternal celebration of the resurrection! Nothing, dead or alive, will be able to keep from bowing the knee and praising God for the awesome ransom He paid for the sinners who would come to Him, who would seek Him out! The tale of His amazing grace would be told to the dead and the dying, to the living and to those who would come after them, including you and me. The story would never die, the celebration would never end, and the glory of God would be available to those who do not resist His drawing love! No kingdom could ever raise up that would stand before Him, no family, great or small, would be freed from the impulse to worship Him when they eventually see Him as He is, great and mighty and seated at the right hand of the Father for His obedient walk on the earth, going to reclaim them from Satan's deception. Only those who choose to remain deluded will be, and even then EVERY KNEE WILL BOW AND EVERY TONGUE CONFESS THAT JESUS CHRIST IS LORD TO THE GLORY OF GOD THE FATHER. NO ONE IN ALL OF THE EARTH WILL ESCAPE THAT CONFESSION! That is the amazing part of what Christ did. Though stripped of everything, clothes included, He will never be stripped of any glory ever again. Those who deny him here will not have the luxury of denying Him forever. So, if you will confess Him as Lord someday, why not now? That confession on the Last Day will be made at the crossroads...some joining Him in His kingdom, and the rest on their way to eternal doom. If you have to do it anyway, you might as well give in now. The seriously amazing thing about giving in to God now is that it leads to blessing! We have been deceived by Satan into thinking that giving in to God, confessing our need for a Savior, and giving our lives to Him is somehow a BAD thing. It is a bad emotion for a period of time, like the crucifixion was a bad emotion and experience for a few horrible hours. Like childbirth. Ouch. But once on the other side of confession, of seeing who you are and who Christ is, the results, like childbirth, are amazing. There is new life! A new, amazing, conscience clearing, God-guided, Jesus as big brother life! It is not something we can conjure up...we can't make ourselves at peace with God. Only He can do that...and if Christ would have died just to save you, isn't it worth it to take the hand of someone who would love you that much. HE IS LORD. Like the president, he is the ruler of the country whether you voted for him or not, whether you agree with him or not. You can't deny who He is. So it is a choice of whether you trust Him or not. Believe He loves you or not. Believe that He died for you or not. You can deny it now, but that does not make Him less than He is.

And He is GOOD. Good to all. He calls us to His side, spanks us at times to get our attention focused back on Him. But He does it BECAUSE He loves us. He wants us. He calls us. He reckons us righteous when we know we are wretched. And we WILL proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord. Do it now so that when the Day comes, you will be doing it again with JOY and not terror. With extreme gratitude and not regret. You won't regret it in this life or the life to come.

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