I sat down this morning to study and write, and then wondered if I had done the passage already. I have a list started of the scriptures I have written on, but it sorely needed updating. Very sorely!
I have a list so long and so unorganized that I am going to put it into Excel in Bible chapter order. I don't want to rehash the same verses, although some passages, especially the gospels of Matthew-John, do mention things over and over. God has always given me more to say about those passages. His Word is never exhausted of its glory. We covered Psalm 23 in Wednesday night prayer meeting, and the meat was still there after years and years of study, sermons, and whole Bible studies on that passage. New insight is given to us based on our experiences, our time in life, and other wisdom imparted from godly men and women. I will never look at goodness and mercy trailing behind me the same way again.
And I never imagined when I started writing this blog that there would be sooooo many verses in scripture about clothing. Some are very positive, some are hauntingly negative, and all give us an entrance into the mind of God.
So as I spend some time organizing my list and marking my Bible, I would ask that you do your own study of God's Word. I am no Bible scholar. At times I struggle with scripture, look up other people's notes for insight, and I am sure get a few things wrong. Don't ever take my word for God's Word. I am reading through Jesus Calling by Sarah Young for the second time in 3 years. I have to remind myself that she is not Jesus, but it is uncanny how most days I need to hear what Jesus spoke to her years ago. I think we all long to hear the voice of God, and we turn to other sources listening for it. God has met me over and over these past few weeks while I have struggled with purpose and direction. He has used His Word and writings from several other people to do it. But, I plead with you, don't read others without a solid base in the scriptures yourself. If you have to choose, choose picking up your own Bible. Get a version that you can read. I STRUGGLE with the old King James, not to hate it in this day when versions that are highly readable are available. Don't take offense if you love it. I remember as a teen sitting in a bus trying to read Joel and not understanding a single archaic word it said. I was reduced to tears. When Good News for Modern Man version came out, I fell in love. It may not be the best version out there, but it spoke to the teen that I was. Any lack of understanding then came from lack of knowledge of God, not lack of knowledge of 1800s English.
In any case, you get my point. Read the scriptures. Contemplate what God is presenting to you that day, in your life, in the lives of others, your country, and world events. Some passages are personal, but some are national, or written to believers or unbelievers. Look at context. Compare thoughts and passages with other passages. No verse is an island. An island may keep us out of deep water, but it doesn't connect us to the mainland. We need all of scripture to make any of scripture totally true.
Enough preaching for one day! It is sad how Biblically illiterate we have become. If you are not getting into God's Word, why not? He wants to talk to you! Start the conversation. If you can't understand Him, ask Him to make Himself understood. He is a personal God who will meet you at the point of your need. Ask and it shall be given isn't about this world's stuff, it's about God giving you more of Himself. His mind, His heart, His wisdom. He is willing to explain Himself to a 3 year old, so He is willing to explain Himself to you! He is more than we can ever know, but He brings Himself to our level. He sent Jesus, who preached and touched children and adults alike. He met people in their pain, their questions, their turning points. He was not harsh, but he was pointed. He doesn't spare feelings when people ask to follow, but He does have compassion on those who don't know just how lost they are. He begs for people to come under His wing, but He does not force it. Draw close and listen, draw warmth from being close on these cold, cold winter days. He will be the protector of those who desire to be near. Now go get your Bible, sit down, and snuggle up.
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