Tuesday, June 18, 2013

Putting off the Old Self and putting on the New

That in reference to your former manner of life, lay aside the old self, which is being corrupted in accordance with the lusts of deceit,and that you be renewed in the spirit of your mind, and put on the new self, which in the likeness of God has been created in righteousness and holiness of the truth. Eph. 4:22-24

This passage doesn't mention cloth directly, but it does talk about the taking off and putting on of something. Later in chapter 6 these terms are used of putting on the armor of God, which is clothing oneself for battle in the spiritual realm...so I will ponder Ephesians 4 today as to how to dress my life according to His will.

The fact that it says we are to take off our old life means that it is what was covering us in the first place. The verses around it talk of hard-heartedness, selfishness and greed. It speaks of acting only in one's self-interest and not considering the thoughts of God or the good of others. He speaks of futile thoughts and darkened understanding and ignorance. This is not a pretty sight. We are covered in sin and self-interest as children of Adam and Eve, who believed that God was holding back something from them and not trusting that He had their best interests in mind. They thought they knew better than God when Satan told them that God was being selfish. That act changed their perception of God and their guilt led them to flee from His righteousness for fear of exposing their corruption. And it continued through the days of Paul. He appeals to those who trusted Christ to act like they were the new people that God had made them. He saved them, but they had to step with God and start taking off the old wardrobe of sin and replace it with a whole new self. It was like they had been pulled off the streets after living in the gutters and adopted into a new family. They were given a new room in the Father's house, and the closet was filled with a new wardrobe. They had access to the clean, untorn, and beautiful clothes that had been provided for them, but they kept putting on those filthy rags that came with them from the streets. They didn't throw them away and dress in the garb befitting their new status. They were no longer street urchins...they were children of the King, but they didn't see themselves that way, nor were they ready to assume the mindset and responsibilities of their new position.

They were to become something totally different from what they were. They were to be princes and princesses in the King's house. They were new people. They would no longer scrounge for food, wear tattered clothes, begging for work or handouts, stealing and being stolen from. They didn't need to think about themselves at all. As a child of the King, all would be provided for them. But they were expected to act like royalty at this point, not as selfish, frightened, and ignorant peasants. They were to learn royalty. There would be lessons in conduct, character, deportment, diplomacy, and international affairs. Their whole focus would be on a higher calling.

We see rags to riches stories...and sometimes we see leaders fail to act with the distinction that is called for. They shame themselves and the country they represent. We see kids get adopted by loving families, only to walk away or never allow themselves to attach, even when there seems to be no logical reason for not accepting the love extended to them. And we pity them. They were given the opportunity to become someone else...loved instead of unloved and unwanted. Honorable instead of dishonest and despised. When given the choice to be remade, we can't seem to understand why someone would choose to stay the way they are, especially when the contrast is so striking. The following verses say that even the Holy Spirit is grieved when we act like God's salvation has no power in our lives to change our focus from ourselves and where we came from to who we are now called to be and where we are destined.

God says we have to renew our mind for this new self to be put on. We have to accept the truth and start acting like children in a fit of selfish rage. We are no longer children of Satan and his pack of lies, but children of God and His righteousness and holy calling.

Are you willing to be dressed in the new garb of God's family and ditch those rags that focus your mind on what you were and keep you from becoming what you are, which is a child of the Most High?

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